21 Jan.
Tuesday Notes (week 2)
Office hours Mondays 10am - Noon
& Wed. 12-4?Lab due fri. 31st 5pm
“By zombies” test for passive voice — if you can add “by zombies” at the end of a sentence, it’s probable in the passive voice.
Plan for day
- Forces
- Adding vectors
leg extension gets bad rep for patella-femoral forces — what are patella femoral-forces?
- what is a joint reaction force?
- what is a joint contact force?
What is a force?
a push or pull on an object
My attempt to add vectors in asymptote
// Define pens and settings
pen forcePen = black + 1.5bp;
pen resultPen = blue + 1.5bp;
real scale = 15; // Scale factor for vector lengths
// Function to draw a single vector with magnitude and angle
void drawVector(pair start, real magnitude, real angle, string label, pen p=forcePen) {
pair end = start + scale*magnitude*dir(angle);
draw(start--end, p, Arrow(DefaultHead));
label("$" + label + "$", end, dir(angle+90));
// Function to calculate resultant vector
pair getResultant(real[] magnitudes, real[] directions) {
pair result = (0,0);
for(int i = 0; i < magnitudes.length; ++i) {
result += scale*magnitudes[i]*dir(directions[i]);
return result;
// Example forces with resultant label
real[] magnitudes = {3, 12};
real[] directions = {-90, -100};
string[] labels = {"\mathrm{vector\ 1}", "\mathrm{vector\ 2}"};
string resultLabel = "\mathrm{result}";
// Fixed spacing values
real spacing = 20; // Space between vectors/operators
real xpos = 50; // Starting x position for first vector
// Draw individual vectors with plus signs
for(int i = 0; i < magnitudes.length; ++i) {
// Draw current vector
drawVector((xpos, 100), magnitudes[i], directions[i], labels[i]);
// Add plus sign if not last vector
if(i < magnitudes.length - 1) {
xpos += spacing;
if(magnitudes[i] * cos(radians(directions[i])) > 0) {
xpos += scale * magnitudes[i] * cos(radians(directions[i]));
label("$+$", (xpos, 100));
xpos += spacing;
// Add space for next vector
if(magnitudes[i + 1] * cos(radians(directions[i + 1])) < 0) {
xpos += scale * magnitudes[i + 1] * abs(cos(radians(directions[i + 1])));
else if(magnitudes[i] * cos(radians(directions[i])) > 0) {
xpos += scale * magnitudes[i] * cos(radians(directions[i]));
// Add equals sign
xpos += spacing;
label("$=$", (xpos, 100));
// Calculate and draw the resultant vector
pair result = getResultant(magnitudes, directions);
drawVector((xpos + spacing, 100), length(result)/scale, degrees(angle(result)), resultLabel, resultPen);